FITC Screens: Award Winning Apps & Expanding the Story with Mobile

by Ali on September 8, 2012 · 0 comments

I was back in Toronto September 27-28 for the FITC Screens conference, 2012.

It was super exciting, because not only did I present my Award Winning Apps talk, I also moderating a panel called Expanding the Story with Mobile.

I really appreciate everyone who came. We had a standing-room-only crowd of about 110 people. Thanks to those who gave me such positive feedback – I’m glad you got something out of it. I’m reposting some of it below.

Last, a huge thank you to Shawn, Lisa, and the entire FITC team, including the volunteers. It was such a great conference. Click on through to their Facebook page to see a picture from my presentation, and give them a Like.