Pimped My Ride

by Justin on December 11, 2005 · 0 comments

Locally renowned artist Carl Knickerbocker recently painted a custom cover for Justin’s Honda Element, one of four vehicles in an Orlando area art car cruise.

View the article online here, courtesy the Orlando Sentinel:
Justin Kent in his Element

Anyone who’s lived in or visited Orlando has probably seen one of Knickerbocker’s bright, edgily flamboyant paintings. Yet they might not immediately notice the cutting political undertones distilled from the surrounding orange groves and parking lots of historic Florida. Or even the occasional Elvis abduction. Knick does an amazing job of painting subjects that make for both fun viewing and heavy thinking (a swamp gator eating Mickey Mouse?). He decided that cars, which make up an important part of Carl’s work (and Florida’s development), are a perfect canvas for it. So he constructed sets of magnetized paintings (perfectly tailored to each panel of the Honda Element), recruited a few more cars (including Kent’s), then took them touring around Orlando! This event was surely the first of a series, so keep an eye out for the entourage!